As a permanent resident of Canada, you may apply for a permanent resident card. A permanent resident card (PR Card) acts as a travel identification document.

 When returning to Canada, permanent resident cards serve as verification of permanent residency status. A PR card is valid for no longer than five years.

If your PR card has expired, you must apply for a new one prior to your departure from Canada.

مزایای اقامت دائم کانادا

Who is Eligible to Apply for a Permanent Resident Card?

When your application for permanent residency is approved, you will obtain a PR card if you are a new permanent resident.

 You must apply for a PR card if

 You did not receive your permanent resident card within 180 days of your immigration.

  • Your PR card expires in nine months or has expired already.
  • Your PR card has been stolen, lost, or is damaged.
  • You must update your PR card if your name is legally changed.

Contact Us today to get started on the right path of becoming a Canadian Citizen! Hejazineia Immigration will be there every step of the way! 

What are the Conditions for Obtaining a Permanent Resident Card?

  • If your permanent resident card is due to expire, you must apply to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to renew it.
  •  You must supply details about your travel history, current address, and employment history for the last five years. This information is used to determine if you have fulfilled your permanent residency obligations.
  •  As a permanent resident, you must have spent 730 days in Canada in the previous five years. This is referred to as the “residency responsibility.” Your permanent residence card will be denied if you do not meet these standards.
  •  If you fail to meet the residency requirement, your permanent residency will be withdrawn.
  •  This decision may be challenged before the Immigration Appeal Division (IAD). If your appeal is denied, you will be given a removal order.


 The population of Canada is cultural and diversified. As a permanent resident, you are eligible to become a Canadian citizen. Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) administers matters pertaining to Canadian citizenship.

 There are two methods to get citizenship: naturalization and birth. Naturalization involves attending a ceremony and taking an oath to become a Canadian citizen.

 Additionally, Canada permits dual or multiple citizenships.

شهروندی کانادا (Canadian citizenship):
(Canadian citizenship):

Who is Eligible to Apply for Citizenship in Canada?

You may apply for Canadian citizenship if you meet the following requirements.

  •      Be a permanent resident
  •     Spent 1095 days (3 years) in Canada within the last five years.
  •     Possess language skills in either English or French
  •     Before applying, you must not have a criminal record from the recent past or an active criminal case.
  •     Pass an exam to demonstrate their understanding of Canada’s geography, political structure, history, and citizen rights.

What are the advantages of being a Canadian citizen?

There is no need to renew status.

The majority of PR cards are only good for five years. In that time, it is feasible to meet the citizenship residency criterion. Before applying, permanent residents must have been physically present in Canada for 1,095 days within the previous five years.

After obtaining citizenship, there is no need to renew your status. Citizenship certificates are permanently valid.

مراحل اخذ شهروندی کانادا

More job possibilities

Permanent residents are not eligible to apply for employment that are open to Canadian citizens. Certain government positions and those requiring security clearances are restricted to Canadian residents.

Enhanced protection against status loss

Permanent residents may be deported regardless of how long they have lived in Canada.

Citizenship status can only be removed in a limited number of situations. According to Canadian law, citizenship can be revoked if it was obtained through deception, fraud, or the deliberate concealment of material facts. Other grounds for revoking citizenship include security concerns, abuses of human or international rights, and organized crime.

The privilege to vote

All Canadian citizens are eligible to vote. They can also run for office and represent people on critical Canadian topics.

 Canadian passport

Citizens can obtain a Canadian passport. Numerous nations grant Canadian passport holders visa-free entry for specific purposes.

Canada recognises dual citizenship as well. If your nation of origin permits dual citizenship, you may be allowed to possess two passports. If your country prohibits dual citizenship, you may desire to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of choosing one passport over the other.

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